Thursday, November 6, 2014

I Made My Own Dancing Baby Groot

For those of my readers that don't know already, I am not just a crafter, I am also a very geeky person. So much so that when I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy with my friends and I saw baby Groot for the first time I immediately wanted one of my very own (spoiler: who wouldn't). I was thinking about making one on my own but the best idea that I could think of was to get one of those solar flowers like this one from the dollar store and paint one up. I however decided against it because I thought the polymer clay I planned on making it with would have been to heavy to make the arms move up and down. Though I have seen one made by Toriroz on Deviantart recently and I thought it looked good (if you follow the link to his etsy store in the comments section he can custom make you one [if you wanted to make one this way: I wonder if sawing/filing the plastic stems to make it look more like his arms would work too.]) Though it was when I saw the Movin' and Groovin' version by Patrick Delahanty I immediately fell in love. I even copied the link onto my Facebook page, where it was instantly liked by the friends I went to see the movie with. I knew I could make one myself the same way and when my friends mentioned how badly they wanted to have one I thought I would get three and make us all one. It wasn't however until I saw the $30 and up price point, this alone was enough to stifle my excitement. I hadn't really even thought about it again until I was shopping with my mother at the local value village* that I found this beauty for $3.99!!!
I knew it wasn't fully functional before I bought it ** (it swivels more like it's having a conversation with you than dancing) but I didn't care because it still worked as a speaker (which is surprisingly [and depressingly] as good, if not crisper than my laptop's internal speakers) and it was just for me. Making it wasn't hard to do at all, I was lucky enough that when I bought it, I had already just out of coincidence purchased a dark brown felt material at the dollar store for $3 a yard and I already had fake moss, stems, leaves, and polymer clay. I won't give the directions on how exactly I did it a) because I would feel more honest if I directed you to click on the DIY link for Duradal Cosplay's Groot and b) though easy enough there were a lot of steps and I didn't take any photos except for the before and after and since you've already seen the before, here's the after:


I'm really happy with how he turned out. It probably cost me less than $15 in material (which I didn't need to use most of it) to make this handsome devil and a couple hours worth of work, and it was completely worth it in my mind. I will say though how important it was to thread a wire through each of the "hairs" on Groot's head, I also used a foam ball on the inside of his head to reduce the weight which was perfect for me to stick the wire into. Also, be careful when drying the clay because you don't want to break off any of the hairs/branches which are fragile and can break off easily if you aren't careful. I am still thinking about adding another piece of clay on the lower jaw and on the forehead to better represent how Groot looks but I won't bother with that for awhile yet, instead I'll just enjoy him how he is for now, cute and groovin'.

I also have this little guy though I'm not quiet sure what I'm going to do with him yet:

*my mother and I love going in to thrift stores and antique malls and looking at old furniture to fix up like this chair I made. For crafty people these places also work to fuel our creative fire since you can usually find such weird and unique stuff there, though I have a feeling I'm preaching to the choir!

**FYI the try me option is very, VERY loud, and scared the Bejebus out of me and undoubtedly anyone around me!

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