Monday, February 2, 2015

A Comprehensive Collection of Needlework Techniques I Found Through Project Gutenberg

Encyclopedia of Needlework - Read Online Option
Click on the image to get to the online version of the eBook or copy this link:

If you are coming here from Pinterest or have found your way to my blog some other way, welcome! 

The Encyclopedia of Needlework, by Thérèse De Dillmont (1846-1890) is probably the most impressive and comprehensive collection of needlework instructions I have ever seen and it's perfect for those who either want to learn new techniques or are new to sewing in general and wouldn't mind a resource to help them out! Best of all it's PUBLIC DOMAIN (and FREE to download or just read)!

If you didn't see my caption on Pinterest before, I wasn't able to directly link to the Ebook like I would normally (for some reason Pinterest couldn't fetch the image). I'm repeating this so in case you didn't notice before, you won't feel like I've cheated you into visiting my blog (I wouldn't do that)!
I personally prefer the online version because of how they've organized each category into separate links as opposed to having to scroll through the whole document in search for the right chapter!

For those who are interested, you'll be getting this eBook from The Project Gutenberg* who's mission statement is dedicated to "encourag[ing] the creation and distribution of eBooks."

 *I feel it important to note that I have no official (or unofficial) connection or sponsorship from this website (I was not asked to endorse it)! As a free agent however I will admit that I've gone on quiet a reading binge. I'm also very much in love with reading public domain novels; especially since not only are they free to read (outside of any donations you/I may like to place [which is in no way mandatory]); but many amongst them also happen to be some of the most significant and note worthy novels, poems and novellas of our age! Also for those who are interested but don't like/ have the time to read you may be interested in audible versions of many of these books (though this one may not available); if you are, Librevox or Audible might just be right for you (I also have no affiliations with these organizations, I just laud them)! They can be an excellent way to relax during menial labour!

** I've also found this page which links you to other eBooks with similar content ranging from knitting and fabric to woodworking!

If you didn't notice the other links earlier (or wanted to read more first), you can click here to download your own version to your computer or kindle (or to see the other options) or you can click the image below. Once there you just have to select your preferred format!

Download options here!

Thanks for stopping by and though I didn't create this post to solicit my shop Ready-Made Gifts, if you want to take a look around my Blog while you are here; or my Etsy shop, feel free, I'd be very happy to have you!

- JP, owner of Ready-Made Gifts: Boutique and Fake Bakery.

My Etsy Shop